Another glass ceiling has been broken this afternoon, with the announcement that Chet Williams, son of real estate and health insurance mogul Brett Williams, has gained employment. This is the first time a straight white man has been selected to have meaningful employment this week, and is being hailed by activists throughout the Dane county suburbs as “desperately needed representation” and a “step in the right direction.”
Brett Williams is reported as saying as a father he is very proud of his son’s achievements, but assures that nepotism was not part of the selection process.
“Chet had a very strong resume, he looked like me, worshipped the same faith as me, and better yet, was grown from my sperm, all qualities I look for in potential additions to the office family” says Mr. Williams.
When asked about how he thinks his job will impact the social landscape of corporate America replied, “I just want this to show every young, starry-eyed white boy with a trust fund out there that you too can be anything your daddy wants you to be. And anyone who says differently is a dirty fucking commie.”
Chet will begin his position, working as a property manager for the slums his father owns in Middleton, later this month, after he returns from his annual “Cough in the locals mouths” retreat in Tijuana Mexico.